Claire has worked in family law since 1990, qualifying as a solicitor in 1998. Together with Rebecca Hawkins she founded Mediation Now, focusing on mediation and reducing parental conflict for children.
As Family Solutions Claire offers all non-court resolution options, from legally aided and privately funded mediation through to arbitration. As some clients need the help of the court, she also continues to act as a family solicitor in children and money cases.
Claire has been involved in developing a communications programme, Changing Lives which secured funding from the DWP Innovation Fund in 2014, which aimed to help separated parents work together for the benefit of their children. This was expanded in 2019, becoming ‘New Foundations’, and again the firm was awarded funding by the DWP through the Reducing Parental Conflict Programme. The updated course involved meetings with children who were able to share their wishes, feelings, hopes and expectations which enabled parents to think differently about their co-parenting strategy and reduce their conflict. The external evaluation of the programme showed significant improvement in the families involved. Although no longer funded, due to the positive outcomes, she continues to run that course.
Claire is also a collaborative lawyer (Resolution trained), a specialist in Child Inclusive Mediation (CIM) and a hybrid mediation practitioner.
Claire can offer civil mediation (ADRg trained) and offers hybrid and co-mediation. She is a qualified arbitrator in children and finances cases.
Claire qualified as a parenting coordinator in 2019.
Claire is a PPC for mediators, a 1-2-1 peer mentor for Resolution and a family law supervisor, supporting other family law professionals.
Claire is proud to sit as the mediator member of the Family Justice Council and is a member of the local Family Justice Board. In her FJC capacity, she is a member of the Medical Mediation Working Party, looking at the role of mediation in end-of-life cases, and the Working Party looking at the preparation of guidance for practitioners in relation to alienating behaviour. She also sits on the Family Mediation Council’s Training Panel, the Accreditation Panel and Resolution’s Children Committee.
Family Solutions has funding from What Works in children’s social care to look at mediation in respect of kinship providers, enabling it to work closely with three local authorities to see where mediation supports and assists the most.
Claire speaks on issues of non-court resolution and writes and runs training courses for her firm and the Family Mediators Association.
Tel: 02392 481183