Collaborative practice is a way of resolving all issues surrounding divorce or separation without recourse to the courts, including not
only financial issues but also arrangements for children.
It involves the couple working, each with their own collaborative lawyer, in a series of meetings with the help of a family consultant, a
financial planner and other professionals, where appropriate.
What are the benefits of collaborative practice?
- A commitment to reach a settlement without going to court
- Face to face meetings supported by your own collaborative lawyer
- The support and advice of other professionals including a family consultant and a financial planner, where appropriate
- Being able to craft, at your own pace, an outcome for the whole family which meets your respective needs and those of any children involved
- Meetings are calm, professional and take place in a safe, neutral and non-adversarial environment
- A collaborative divorce increases the prospect of better communication between parents, ongoing co-operation and better long term outcomes for children
- A collaborative agreement can be approved by the court without the need to attend court